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SisaHandmade 是 Ada Lui 自2008年創立的一個品牌。致力生產優質的產品與提供貼心的客戶服務;我們的產品範圍從精緻的手工肥皂以至治療級的芳療產品。

我們的手工肥皂都是本著愛心,從天然原材料開始,用手的、小批量的,以歐洲傳統的冷製古法 (cold process)人手製造。我們堅持選用大地之母給予的一切純天然材料,例如冷榨植物油、果脂、芳療級植物精華油,以及淋淋種種的天然植物提取等。我們嚴選所有素材,確保製作出美妙精緻的天然手工肥皂,富含甘油、必需脂肪酸與及植物提取中多種的維生素,提供滋養肌膚的能量。

我們的芳療產品都是由國際認證的芳療師Ada Lui (NAHA, IFPA),以手工調配而成;精心挑選素材,利用協同效應達致整個療癒的最大效益。我們專業於精華油,及個人配方的調配;藉以提升你的能量、整合身心靈的一致性,達致健康、和諧和回歸本原的精神生活。我們所有的芳療產品均採用最優質的素材,採購自世界各地信譽良好、與及跟我們有共同理念和承諾的供應商,為您帶來最高質量的產品。

SisaHandmade is a brand of Ada Lui was established in 2008’, is committed to producing quality products and providing impeccable customer service. Our products range from exquisite quality handcrafted soaps to therapeutic grade Aromatherapy.

Our soaps are all lovingly made from scratch, by hands, using the Traditional, Cold Process in small batches. We use only the finest skin-loving natural ingredients such as cold pressed oils, butters, pure aromatherapy grade essential oils, and plenty of natural botanicals. These ingredients are carefully chosen that produce a fabulous natural soap delightfully high in glycerin and rich with essential fatty acids, which are vital to natural skin care. 
Our Aromatherapy products are all handcrafted, carefully selected to result in a healing whole greater than the sum of the parts, by our nationally certified aromatherapist Ada Lui (NAHA, IFPA). We are specializing in essential oils and custom blends, that enhance your wellbeing and the power of alignment of body mind and spirit, as a result a revival of healthy, harmony and spiritual life. All our Aromatherapy products are made with only the finest ingredients and are obtained from highly reputable suppliers who share our philosophy and commitment for bringing you the highest quality product.
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