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Aromatherapist, natural therapists, infant massage instructor, soap crafter, but all is for part-time. For our kids' forturn, it is now a full-time cook, a pageboy and a freelance worker. What I do at home is the intention of soapcraft and the art of aromatherapy. I love all the hand-mades, which means the intention of the soul endowment, so that with unique and the flow of spirit.

學習與專業資格 Learning and Professional Qualifications       


2004 ~

  • 整全芳香療法文憑Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy (APDHA) with Christine Saunders by      Asia-Pacific Aromatherapy

  • IFPA認證專業會員Registered Full Membership (MIFPA) of the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA)

  • 精油與脈輪Healing the Chakras with Essential Oils with Alan Howell by Asia-Pacific Aromatherapy

  • 身體的精微信息Subtle Messages of the Body with Alan Howell by Asia-Pacific Aromatherapy


2005 ~

  • 嬰兒按摩導師證書Certified Infant Massage Instructor (CIMI) with Suzanne P. Reese by International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM)

  • 澳洲保雲療法ISBT-Bowen Therapy® with Lisa Black/Col Murray by International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT)

  • 國際芳香療法證書International Certification in Aromatherapy with Kurt Schnaubelt by Pacific Institute of Aromatherapy

  • 手動淋巴引流療法Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy with Kerry D’Ambrogio by Therapeutic Systems Incorporated

  • 臚底療法Cranial Sacrum Techniques Level 1&2 with Kerry D’Ambrogio by Therapeutic Systems Incorporated


2006 ~

  • 印度阿育吠陀療法Ayurvedic Therapies with Vinod Sharma by Ayuryoga International

  • 臼井靈氣大師 Usui Reiki Mastership by Natural Energy Research Centre

  • 西藏靈氣大師 Tibetan Reiki Mastership by Natural Energy Research Centre

  • 認證卡魯納靈氣大師Registered Karuna Reiki® Master by The International Center for Reiki Training


2011 ~

  • 臨床芳香療法:傳統中醫方法Clinical Aromatherapy : A Traditional Chinese Medicine Approach with Gabriel Mojay by Asia-Pacific Aromatherapy


2016 ~

  • 初級草藥學Introductory Herbal Course by Herbal Academy

  • NAHA認證國際專業會員International Professional Member of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)


2017 ~

  • NAHA認證國際專業會員(Level 2) International Professional Member (Level 2) of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)

  • 法國芳香療法French Aromatherapy with Jade Shutes/Cathy Skipper by The School for Aromatic Studies


2019 ~

  • 草本護膚產品證書Botanical Body Care Products Certification with Amy Galper by New York Institute of Aromatic Studies

  • NAHA認證國際專業會員(Level 3) International Professional Member (Level 3 Clinic Aromatherapist) of the National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA)

  • IFPA認證國際專業會員及註冊導師International Professional Member and Registered Tutor of International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA)

2020 ~

  • 芳香藥草療法證書Aromatic Medicine Certification with Jade Shutes by The School for Aromatic Studies

呂惠娟 (Ada Lui) - 身心整全治療師
APDHA, NAHA, ISBT®- Bowen Therapist, CIMI, Reiki Master
"我深信治療師的工作,是程現患者身心失衡的深層誘因,幫助患者檢視整個人生的信念、態度及生活方式;但真正「療癒」的發生,就須要配合患者的理解、接納、改變、以致最終的釋放。"~ Ada Lui
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